Changelog (from before to after, or something like that...):
* Added: commandline for edition. Usage: AE2map.exe MyMap
* Changed: grid is now disabled by default on first usage.
* Added: "check" button to verify map compliance and quick report with precise warnings.
* Added: "basic water draw" button to draw automatically (not perfectly) water borders. cool eh?
* Added: "basic road draw" button to draw automatically (not perfectly) roads.
* Fixed: Minimal width for a new map have been changed from 8 to 10
* Changed: map (re)drawing is now much faster and redraw blocs only when needed.
* Added: color rotation for units by forward/backward using left/right click.
* Added: color & type(4 diff.) rotation for tiles by forward/backward using left/right click.
* Added: right click on a tile from the map to select it (to allow fast copy/paste).
* Changed: Save function is now more accurate (ask to replace a file only when needed, ect...)
* Added: Show some misc. information, like the capturable count.
* Changed: units on the pick zone now show their own color (right click to rotate forward to next color).
* Added: Map now show also the hidden(scripted) units (see m2 for instance) -
Теперь заскриптованные юниты в кампании ВИДНЫ * Added: check map function works also when loading/saving a map, then show a warning if something wrong is found.
* Changed: lot of little changes and bugfixes
* Added: Run button, to send the actual map to a batch file for quick testing.
* Added: file extension .ae2 association using a checkbox.
* ect...