Tab 1: “Allgemein
Spieltitel: Here you can change your game’s title
Spiel benötigt RTP: Untick this to stop your game checking for the RTP
Spiel starten: Test play (the options to the left are test play options). Pressing F9 at any page will do the same.
Tab 2: “Maps”
You can export maps to BMP files here. Select a map and click “Vorschau” for a preview or “Exportieren” to export it. Click “Alle exportieren” to export all.
On the right side, you can repair your project in case of a “Map Data Tree Break” error, which normally makes your project unusable. Click “Map Tree erstellen” to repair.
Tab 3: “Anzeige”
Anzahl Bild-IDs: You can change the picture limit here. You can increase the number up to 126 (if you are using RM2k v1.07 or now also RM2k3 v1.08, even values up to 9999 are possible).
Important: This option needs the RPG2000.EXE/RPG2003.EXE to be changed too: Open it in
Recource Hacker, then go to RCDATA → TFORMEVCMD11110 → 0. Then scroll downwards to “MaxValue = 20″ (RM2k), “MaxValue = 50″ (RM2k3 version 1.08) or “MaxValue = 40″ (RM2k3 version 1.04) and change it to “MaxValue = 9999″. Then click “Compile Script”. Do the same with RCDATA → TFORMEVCMD11120 → 0 and RCDATA → TFORMEVCMD11130 → 0 and then click File → Save. But keep in mind: Though you can set higher values in RPG Maker, you can only use as many pictures as you have configured in Hyper Patcher 2.
Bilder über Kampfanimationen anzeigen: If this option is checked, Pictures are displayed “over” Battle Animations. Change it to reverse the priority of pictures and battle animations.
Tab 4: “Sonstiges 1″
You can change the two fonts which are used ingame here. Click “Test” to see how it looks.
Tab 5: “Sonstiges 3″
Patch anwenden: You can apply HPD/HPA-Patches (my own patch format) here.
At the end, click OK to apply all changes and exit.
Information for users of Windows Vista/7
Please start Hyper Patcher 2 with elevated privileges (rightclick → Start as Administrator), if the project is located inside the “Program Files” folder or a subfolder of it! To use the German documentation, you need to install WINHLP32.EXE for Windows Vista (KB917607)